
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

PBL Term 1 - Picking up Kindness!

PBL - Term 1

This term our Project Based Learning (PBL) has been about kindness and the big question was: How can we build community through our actions?

First, we explored some collaborative activities and discussed how we could include kindness and build a sense of community through our actions at camp. Next, we were organised into groups where we had to unpack the above question. In our groups we considered how we could spread community and kindness through our entire school community. We decided that we would offer something that was free and would make others happy.

We created an action plan and we thought is was really hard to work together so we got Miss Earl and she helped us to come up with an action.

We created an action plan and we are going to get people in the school to pick up rubbish and we will give them a thank you card for caring for the environment.

For our final product our group got children in the Paiaka and Kakano hub to come and help us pick up rubbish.

How did our action build a sense of community in the school? It did this by getting to know new people at shcool.

I contributed by helping are group to get the plastic bags. After that I put the bags in the rubbish

I think the PBL might impact on others by... they will be happy that they are helping the environment.

What I learned about working with others was… really fun to work with Paiaka and Kakano because they really wanted a thank you card and it was really fun. I also found my PBL group hard to work with as we were not working with each other and listening. Next time I will listen and we will talk more and share ideas.