
Friday, July 26, 2019

our best PBL in the world

Hi my is Taine and I go to St Francis of Assisi school Christchurch.

For this terms PBL we  are learning about innovation. First we did a boat challenge. We used tinfoil, cups, straws and tape and we built it so it could float in water! What we did next was paper planes. We were only allowed to use tape, straws play-Doh!
I enjoyed these challenges because they were fun as they were hands on and we got to work in a group and make cool things.

Do you now what Innovation is?

Thanks for reading my blog post.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Helping our Environment.

In reading this term, we have been reading a lot of articles about how we can look after our planet. I have learnt that there are many things that we need to change to help our environment.

In the slide below, I have summarise the key ideas from some of the articles that I have read.

What change are you going to do to help our environment?