over the past few weeks we have been learning to write both formal and informal letters here is a example of a letter i wrote about a political event in new Zealand post
Taine Wallace
Street 85 Mcland island
Te White o Rongomai
Save the turtles
Anytown, ST 12345
Te Whiti o Rongomai
Today I was involved in a protest at our village Parihka. The European people want to take over and build new roads. I feel very sad because our village is being attacked. Lots of our men got arrested for no reason because they were trying to save our land. I was worried that I was going to be arrested too. I was confused why they were taken away for trying to save our land. The children in the village gave out bread so we would not get attacked but it did not work sadly. The village is destroyed. I am worried but I know we will be alright and fight for our land.
Sincerely, from Taine Wallace